Sedation Dentistry Flower Mound, TX

If you suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist, you are not the only one. We have many patients who avoid vital dental care due to this. Because of this, we provide sedation dentistry, sometimes called sleep dentistry, for our patients who have anxiety surrounding visiting the dentist. Flower Mound Family Dentistry is a local dentist office that offers sedation dentistry in Flower Mound, TX to reduce anxiety and fear in patients so they receive the dental care they need.

sedation dentistry in Flower Mound, TX

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

The benefits of sedation dentistry extend to both the patient and the dentist. It creates a more favorable and less stressful dental environment. These benefits include:

Anxiety Reduction: One of the primary benefits of sedation dentistry is its ability to reduce dental anxiety and fear. This allows patients who might otherwise avoid the dentist to receive necessary dental care comfortably.

Less Stressful Dental Visits: Feeling anxious throughout an entire appointment can be challenging for the patient and the staff. Sedation helps ease the patient’s nerves and makes the visit calm for everyone involved.

Enhance Procedure Efficiency: With the patient at ease, the dentist can work quickly, efficiently, and with greater precision. This can be especially helpful with complex or long procedures.

Pain Management: Sedated patients manage pain and discomfort better during their appointments. This is beneficial for patients with a low pain threshold.

Encourages Regular Dental Care: Patients who have a positive experience with sedation are more likely to keep up with their regular dental appointments.

Reasons Why Patients Use Sedation Dentistry

  • Dental Anxiety and Fear: Fear of dental procedures is a common barrier to seeking treatment. Sedation offers a way to receive necessary dental care without stress.
  • Low Pain Threshold: Individuals who are sensitive to pain can benefit from sedation, which makes them more comfortable during treatment.
  • Complex Dental Problems: For complex dental work that requires long appointments, dental sedation can make the experience more bearable.
  • Difficulty Staying Still: Patients who cannot remain still, including children, can receive dental care more easily with sedation dentistry.
  • Strong Gag Reflex: For patients with a strong gag reflex, sedation dentistry can help relax the reflex, allowing dentists to work more efficiently and without causing discomfort to the patient.

Types of Dental Sedation Methods

Flower Mound Family Dentistry offers both nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. Both methods will help you feel calm and relaxed while receiving the dental care you need. In most cases, you will not remember much from your dentist appointment.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed sedative pill about an hour before your dentist appointment. Depending on the dose, it can range from mild to moderate sedation. The medication will allow you to remain awake but feel significantly more relaxed and may have little to no memories of the procedure. We often suggest this type of dental sedation for patients with mild to moderate anxiety and for procedures that do not require a deep level of sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

More commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask that we place over your nose. When you inhale it, the gas will induce a euphoric feeling that helps you relax. One of the key advantages of nitrous oxide is that the effects wear off quickly after we remove the mask at the end of treatment. You will be able to drive yourself to and from your appointment. It’s suitable for mild sedation and we can adjust it in real time to ensure your comfort.

Contact Us Today to Learn More about Sedation Dentistry in Flower Mound, TX

Sedation dentistry offers so many benefits for our patients. It addresses anxiety, fear, and other issues so patients no longer have to stress about going to the dentist.

If you want to get your oral health back on track, call us today to discuss your dental sedation options. We offer several forms of sedation dentistry in Flower Mound, TX. You can reach us at 972-848-8745 or you can request an appointment online.