General Dentistry Flower Mound, TX

Routine and general dental treatments are essential to maintaining teeth and gums. Preventative dental care is also a part of general dentistry in our Flower Mound, TX, dental office. Regular dental care can prevent problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. We also provide comprehensive dental services to our patients in and around Flower Mound, Texas. 

General Dentist in Flower Mound, TX

General Dentistry in Flower Mound, TX

Root canals eliminate the infection in a specific tooth by entering the root and removing the cause of any particular infection or inflammation. After decontaminating the root, it will be filled and back to its original state. Fillings are used alongside root canals to repair cavities or cracked and broken teeth.

The resins that create the filling mimic your tooth’s natural look and feel. Fillings can even be used to repair teeth worn down by clenching or grinding. Overall, they are a great, simple option for restoring your smile.

We also offer family dental services as a part of general dental care. Visiting a family dentist helps every member of your family meet their oral health needs. Dental care is especially important for children, as they can be more prone to problems like cavities. It’s also essential that parents help their children care for their smiles when they aren’t in the office. 

Routine care in our office can include:

  • Exams: A comprehensive dental exam is essential to boost overall health, and will be performed by your dentist at your initial dental visit.
  • Cleaning: Your personal home care, and daily routines play an important role in achieving a beautiful, healthy, winning smile that lasts a lifetime.
  • X-rays: Dental radiographs are essential, preventative, diagnostic tools that provide valuable information not visible during a regular dental exam.
  • Gum Disease Therapy: If you have periodontal disease or gingivitis, there are several options for treatment that are available, including deep cleaning of gums.
  • Oral Cancer Screening: An oral cancer screening is a simple procedure to detect early signs of mouth/oral cancer. Talk to us during cleaning to get your screening.

General Dentistry FAQs

We welcome you to learn more about general dentistry in our Flower Mound, TX, dental office with answers to these common questions:

How often should I visit the dentist?

You should visit the dentist every six months. We recommend dental visits twice a year for a tooth cleaning and exam. However, if you have problems like gum disease, we may recommend that you visit our office more often. That way, we can keep track of your gum and tooth health. We will often recommend that you get a deep gum cleaning to keep your gum infection at bay.

How can I maintain good oral hygiene at home?

Follow these tips to care for your dental health at home:

  • Brush: When you brush your mouth, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. If you have a manual toothbrush, brush in a circular motion. Do not brush too hard, because this can lead to bleeding gums or tooth wear. We recommend that you use a non-abrasive toothpaste. Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue to keep your breath fresh.
  • Floss: You can floss before you brush your teeth. Flossing helps remove leftover food and plaque from between teeth. Then, when you brush your teeth, the active ingredients in your toothpaste can reach the gums.
  • Use Mouthwash: We may recommend antibacterial mouthwash if you are prone to gum disease. However, we will not recommend alcohol-based mouthwash. Alcohol can dry out your mouth and increase your risk of harmful bacteria building in your mouth. 

Can regular dental visits prevent cavities?

Yes, regular dental visits can help prevent cavities. During your visits, the dentist or dental hygienist will clean your teeth. They remove plaque and tartar, which are sticky substances that can cause cavities if not removed.

We will also check for any signs of cavities or other dental problems. Catching issues early can help prevent them from getting worse.

Fluoride treatments and sealants are also routine at regular visits. We apply fluoride treatments to strengthen your teeth and make them more resistant to cavities. Sealants are great for younger patients. We place these protective coatings on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to help keep out bacteria and food particles.

What should I do if I have bad breath?

If you have bad breath, make sure you brush and floss twice a day. Good oral hygiene helps remove food particles and plaque that can cause bad breath. Bacteria can build up on your tongue, so gently brush it or use a tongue scraper.

Staying hydrated helps wash away food particles and increase saliva production. If you have dry mouth, it can lead to bad breath. Foods like garlic and onions can cause bad breath. Try to avoid them if possible.

If your bad breath doesn’t go away, contact our dental office. We can check for underlying issues, like gum disease or tooth decay, that cause bad breath.

What is the difference between a dentist and general dentist?

A general dentist provides routine care for patients. This care can include cleanings, fillings, and extractions. Alternatively, a dentist can provide multiple types of dental care, including general, cosmetic, and restorative treatments. Our Flower Mound dentist office provides all types of dental services to meet the needs of our patients.

What happens during a dental exam?

During a dental exam, our dentist looks at your teeth and gums. They examine your oral cavity to find signs of gum disease, cavities, and oral cancer. Our dentist will also examine your bite and how your teeth come together. Regular dental exams are a part of our preventive treatments. 

Why do you need dental X-rays?

Dental X-rays can reveal problems that a quick visual exam cannot. They also help us monitor oral health and find early signs of problems before they worsen. Our office uses digital X-rays to obtain a clear picture of teeth, gums, and jaw. This allows us to see the mouth’s soft tissues and within each tooth. 

We also use X-rays to plan treatment. With this technology, we can find the right treatment for your needs.

Are dental X-rays safe?

Yes, modern dental X-rays are safe. We use digital X-rays, which emit less radiation than traditional X-rays. When we take your X-rays, you will wear a lead apron to protect you from radiation exposure. We take every precaution to ensure your safety when we take X-rays.

Request a Dental Appointment Today

Call Flower Mound Family Dentistry for general dental treatment at 972-848-8745. You can also schedule a dental appointment with our team online. If you have more questions, please let us know and we will be happy to help you.